
Mission, Vission & Philosophy


"At Hernan Gamboa Gallery, our mission is to be a beacon for Latin-American artists in Miami. Named in honor of Hernan Gamboa, a revered Venezuelan musician and cultural icon, our gallery stands as a testament to his rich legacy. We are committed to providing a vibrant space where Latin-American artists can share their talents, contribute to the community, and inspire the next generation of creators. We strive to cultivate an environment that fosters creativity and cultural exchange."


"Our vision at Hernan Gamboa Gallery is to be a hub of artistic expression, bridging Latin-American talent with the diverse community of Miami. We aspire to cultivate an inclusive space where creativity flourishes, fostering a deep appreciation for Latin-American art. Through exhibitions, events, and collaborations, we aim to transcend borders, celebrating the rich cultural tapestry that Hernan Gamboa himself dedicated his life to."


"At Hernan Gamboa Gallery, our philosophy is deeply rooted in the belief that art is a universal language that transcends boundaries. We see our role as curators not only to showcase the talent of Latin-American artists but also to create a dynamic space that encourages dialogue and understanding. Just as Hernan Gamboa used his music to connect people, we aim to use our gallery as a conduit for cultural exchange. We are not just a gallery; we are a living tribute to the cultural richness of Latin America, fostering a legacy that resonates through artistic expression."



Cultural Richness: We value and celebrate the diversity of Latin-American cultures, reflecting it through the art we showcase.

Community Engagement: We believe in the power of art to bring communities together and actively engage with the local community.

Inspiration: We strive to inspire students of the Humboldt Group, fostering creativity and a passion for the arts.

Legacy: We honor the legacy of Hernan Gamboa by preserving and promoting Latin-American cultural heritage.

Explore the Wonders of Art at Our Exhibition


Inception and Naming:

The Hernan Gamboa Gallery had its humble beginnings in the heart of Miami, emerging as a cultural oasis within the New Professions Technical Institute. In 2010, inspired by the rich cultural contributions of Hernan Gamboa, a celebrated Venezuelan musician, and former Cultural Coordinator of NPTI, the gallery was named in his honor. This decision marked the inception of a vibrant space dedicated to showcasing the diverse artistic tapestry of Latin America.


Cultural Legacy of Hernan Gamboa:

Hernan Gamboa, born on June 18, 1946, in San Tomé, Anzoátegui, Venezuela, began his musical journey in 1956. A prominent member of Serenata Guayanesa from 1971 to 1984, Gamboa's influence extended far beyond his homeland. His cultural contributions reached international acclaim, making him a beloved figure in the world of Latin American music.

In 2016, the world grieved the passing of Hernan Gamboa due to cancer. In honor of his legacy and commitment to cultural enrichment, the leadership team of the Humboldt Group made a poignant decision. They chose to name their gallery after this cultural luminary, seamlessly integrating it under the umbrella of the Humboldt Group Foundation. This choice not only serves as a lasting tribute to Gamboa's contributions but also signifies a continuation of his cultural impact through the gallery's endeavors.


Catalyzing Latin-American Art in Miami:

From its inception, the Hernan Gamboa Gallery became a focal point for Latin-American artists seeking a platform to share their talents with the Miami community. The gallery's mission was clear: to offer a space where artists could not only exhibit their works but also contribute meaningfully to the cultural fabric of the city.


A Home Within NPTI:

Strategically located within the New Professions Technical Institute, the gallery found its home amid the corridors of education. The intention was twofold – to inspire the students of NPTI by exposing them to the richness of Latin-American art and to create a dynamic space that would serve as a cultural hub within the institute.


A Decade of Cultural Enrichment:

Over the past decade, the Hernan Gamboa Gallery has evolved into a dynamic force, hosting numerous exhibitions, events, and collaborations that celebrate the diversity of Latin-American artistic expression. The gallery stands as a living testament to the values and philosophy it upholds, becoming a vital contributor to Miami's vibrant cultural landscape.


As the gallery continues to write its history, it remains dedicated to Hernan Gamboa's vision of transcending boundaries through art, leaving an indelible mark on the canvas of Miami's cultural identity.

Our History

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